In 2015 the state general assembly and governor demonstrated their unwavering commitment to our vision of addressing Kentucky’s most stubborn health disparities. They supported President Capilouto’s vision of “making death a beggar in Kentucky.”
The University received approval from the state legislature to build a $265 million, multi-disciplinary research facility. The facility is financed with $132.5 million from the state and $132.5 million from the University. During the 2018 General Assembly, the state awarded an additional $40 million in support to fit-out additional space in the new research building.
The state’s support for this facility advances the idea that through world-class research across an array of disciplines, in partnership with communities, some of the most stubborn health challenges and statistics that plague Kentucky can be successfully attacked. UK's research and scholarly endeavors offer the brightest hope for transformation and change for our Commonwealth and the broader world we serve.
But fulfilling that mission will take the work of more than a single discipline. Questions of poor health and high mortality rates are as deeply rooted in sociology, behavior, education, economics and culture as they are in health and patient care. It will take a multidisciplinary team of creative thinkers to address the complex questions of our day.